Saturday, December 21, 2019

7 ways to conquer pre-interview jitters

7 ways to conquer pre-interview jitters7 ways to conquer pre-interview jittersYou scored the big interview. Yay and hurrah, and Oh, dear God, what were you thinking? Im sure you know your stuff, but what happens when you face an interviewer with all the finesse of the grand inquisitor? Preparing in advance is more than half the battle.1. Prepare the jitters awayEven the boy scouts know that if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail, says billion-dollar dealmaker and business advisor Carol Roth - creator of the Future Filelegacy planning system. My life and business is all about preparation and I know that it works wonders for interviews. To that end, Roth, whos also a former investment banker advises researching both the company and the interviewers Prepare answers typical interview questions by looking up top questions online and asking others who may have interviewed with the company before. And while youre at it Rehearse your answers in a number of different ways - bonus prep points if you get someone to role play as the interviewer with you.2. Focus on youRoth also believes it wont hurt if you prepare a couple of answers that share specifics and other details you want the interviewers to know about you. Work them into the answers to typical questions, Roth advises. If they arent asked, you can always make sure that you offer them as a closing point before you leave the interview. Its also a great exercise to help you think on the fly. The more you prepare, the less nervous you will be and the more able you will be to handle other questions you havent yet thought of Roth said.3. Know your valueSerial entrepreneur Heather Ann Havenwood said, Confidence comes from the view that you have value, and you back up that value with performance. In life, we go out looking for opportunities to prove ourselves verses knowing our value. Remember your worth and youll find ways to relax.4. Use your panicEven if youre not into mindfulness, you might find calm in the pag es of Just Sit A Meditation Guidebook by Sukey and Elizabeth Novogratz. Before you head into a stressful interview, skim through the list on Page 167 where the duo advises people on how to Do crisis better. Some of the recommendations include questions you should ask yourself includingIs this something I have control over?Is this something I can separate myself from or terminate?Is this something I can work on?The questions are deceptively simple. Once you start to ask yourself about it, youll realize that youre probably not as helpless, or without options, as you might feel in the moment.5. Gain perspectiveOf course, you want this job and having that title or office will add both cash and cachet to your life, but in the grand scheme of things, it isnt everything. While at the moment of your interview, a potential job may be the biggest thing in your world, its not the biggest challenge or opportunity you will ever encounter, Roth said. When you think of challenges from sickness, to dealing with aging parents, death and more, it helps put the interview into perspective. Roth advises thinking about the interview in a larger context, which can help give you more confidence in tackling it.6. Plan a reward for after the interviewInstead of making a mental list of everything that can go wrong during the interview, try to plan what comes next. Maybe its cocktails or a massage. It doesnt have to be big, but it should be fun and a distraction from the butterflies in your stomach.7. Ask for a drinkIf youre waiting in the vestibule and panicking, ask the person in reception for a glass of water. It will allow you to try on your voice for size (Is your voice shaking? Are you speaking up?) and, in theory, youve already begun speaking with someone at the interview. It will also you to build rapport with someone who already works for the company. Make sure your manners are impeccable and you might just build an ally at the company.

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